Yad Vashem Studies: Volume XXVII

Edited by David Silberklang

NIS 52.00

Yad Vashem Studies is an academic journal featuring articles on the cutting edge of research and reflection on the Holocaust. Yad Vashem Studies is a must for any serious library seeking to offer the essential texts on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. “Yad Vashem Studies has been at the forefront of research into the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, its origins and its consequences… indispensable for researchers and teachers alike. No library that purports to offer students and teachers the essential historical texts on the Nazi era and the fate of the Jews can afford to be without Yad Vashem Studies.” [David Cesarani, The Journal of Holocaust Education] Beginning with volume 35, Yad Vashem Studies comes out twice annually, in spring and fall, making our contributors’ important research available to our readers more quickly and more readily. We have also redone our layout in order to make it more reader friendly. Our rigorous high standards remain unchanged.

Table of Contents: Introduction About Jacob Katz (Yisrael Gutman and Otto Dov Kulka) World War One – Crossroads in the History of European Jewry (Jacob Katz) Poverty and Persecution: The Reichsvereinigung, the Jewish Population, and Anti-Jewish Policy in the Nazi State, 1939-1945 (Wolf Gruner) Fear and Misery in the Third Reich: From the Files of the Collective Guardianship Office of the Berlin Jewish Community (Stefanie Schüler-Springorum) Portugal and the Nazi Gold: The ‘Lisbon Connection’ in the Sales of Looted Gold by the Third Reich (António Louçã and Ansgar Schäfer) Portugal, the Consuls, and the Jewish Refugees, 1938-1941 (Avraham Milgram) Argentina and the Holocaust: The Conceptions and Policies of Argentine Diplomacy, 1933-1945 (Daniel Feierstein and Miguel Galante) Switzerland and the Refugees Fleeing Nazism: Documents on the German Jews Turned Back at the Basel Border in 1938-1939 (Shaul Ferrero) The Convent Children: The Rescue of Jewish Children in Polish Convents During the Holocaust (Nahum Bogner) Malice in Action (Yaacov Lozowick) The Protectorate Government and the `Jewish Question,’ 1939-1941 (Livia Rothkirchen) Response of the Jewish Daily Press in Palestine to the Accession of Hitler, 1933 (Benny Morris). Reviews: Historical Atlases and the Holocaust (Robert Rozett) The Abnormality of the Normal (Saul Friedländer) Nazi Germany and the Jews, Vol. 1: The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939 (Daniel Fraenkel) Jewish Life in Nazi Germany - A View ‘from Below’ (Marion A. Kaplan) Between Dignity and Despair, Jewish Life in Nazi Germany (Guy Miron) German Jewry Confronting Nazism in the Mirror of Jewish History (Otto Dov Kulka) (hrsg.), Anne Birkenhauer und Esriel Hildesheimer (mitarbeiter), Deutsches Judentum unter dem Nationalsozialismus. Dokumente zur Geschichte der Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden 1933-1939, Band 1 (Richard I. Cohen) The Decline and fall of German Jewry, Avraham Margaliot and Yehoyakim Cochavi, eds., History of the Holocaust—Germany, two Volumes (Oded Heilbronner)


Yad Vashem Studies is an academic journal featuring articles on the cutting edge of research and reflection on the Holocaust. Yad Vashem Studies is a must for any serious library seeking to offer the essential texts on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. “Yad Vashem Studies has been at the forefront of research into the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, its origins and its consequences… indispensable for researchers and teachers alike. No library that purports to offer students and teachers the essential historical texts on the Nazi era and the fate of the Jews can afford to be without Yad Vashem Studies.” [David Cesarani, The Journal of Holocaust Education] Beginning with volume 35, Yad Vashem Studies comes out twice annually, in spring and fall, making our contributors’ important research available to our readers more quickly and more readily. We have also redone our layout in order to make it more reader friendly. Our rigorous high standards remain unchanged.

Table of Contents: Introduction About Jacob Katz (Yisrael Gutman and Otto Dov Kulka) World War One – Crossroads in the History of European Jewry (Jacob Katz) Poverty and Persecution: The Reichsvereinigung, the Jewish Population, and Anti-Jewish Policy in the Nazi State, 1939-1945 (Wolf Gruner) Fear and Misery in the Third Reich: From the Files of the Collective Guardianship Office of the Berlin Jewish Community (Stefanie Schüler-Springorum) Portugal and the Nazi Gold: The ‘Lisbon Connection’ in the Sales of Looted Gold by the Third Reich (António Louçã and Ansgar Schäfer) Portugal, the Consuls, and the Jewish Refugees, 1938-1941 (Avraham Milgram) Argentina and the Holocaust: The Conceptions and Policies of Argentine Diplomacy, 1933-1945 (Daniel Feierstein and Miguel Galante) Switzerland and the Refugees Fleeing Nazism: Documents on the German Jews Turned Back at the Basel Border in 1938-1939 (Shaul Ferrero) The Convent Children: The Rescue of Jewish Children in Polish Convents During the Holocaust (Nahum Bogner) Malice in Action (Yaacov Lozowick) The Protectorate Government and the `Jewish Question,’ 1939-1941 (Livia Rothkirchen) Response of the Jewish Daily Press in Palestine to the Accession of Hitler, 1933 (Benny Morris). Reviews: Historical Atlases and the Holocaust (Robert Rozett) The Abnormality of the Normal (Saul Friedländer) Nazi Germany and the Jews, Vol. 1: The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939 (Daniel Fraenkel) Jewish Life in Nazi Germany - A View ‘from Below’ (Marion A. Kaplan) Between Dignity and Despair, Jewish Life in Nazi Germany (Guy Miron) German Jewry Confronting Nazism in the Mirror of Jewish History (Otto Dov Kulka) (hrsg.), Anne Birkenhauer und Esriel Hildesheimer (mitarbeiter), Deutsches Judentum unter dem Nationalsozialismus. Dokumente zur Geschichte der Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden 1933-1939, Band 1 (Richard I. Cohen) The Decline and fall of German Jewry, Avraham Margaliot and Yehoyakim Cochavi, eds., History of the Holocaust—Germany, two Volumes (Oded Heilbronner)


Products specifications
ISSN 0084-3296
Year 1999
Catalog No. 230
No. of Pages 482 pp.
Size 15X23 cm.
Format Hard Cover
Publisher Yad Vashem