Yad Vashem Studies: Volume XVI

Edited by Aharon Weiss

NIS 56.00
NIS 52.00

Yad Vashem Studies is an academic journal featuring articles on the cutting edge of research and reflection on the Holocaust. Yad Vashem Studies is a must for any serious library seeking to offer the essential texts on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. “Yad Vashem Studies has been at the forefront of research into the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, its origins and its consequences… indispensable for researchers and teachers alike. No library that purports to offer students and teachers the essential historical texts on the Nazi era and the fate of the Jews can afford to be without Yad Vashem Studies.” [David Cesarani, The Journal of Holocaust Education] Beginning with volume 35, Yad Vashem Studies comes out twice annually, in spring and fall, making our contributors’ important research available to our readers more quickly and more readily. We have also redone our layout in order to make it more reader friendly. Our rigorous high standards remain unchanged.

Table of Contents: Introduction; In Memoriam: Uriel Tal (Yisrael Gutman) Table of Contents: From Anti-Semitism to Extermination: A Historiographical Study of Nazi Policies toward the Jews and an Essay in Interpretation (Saul Friedländer) The German Resistance and the Jews (Christof Dipper) The Holocaust in National-Socialist Rhetoric and Writings - Some Evidence against the Thesis that Before 1945 Nothing Was Known about the “Final Solution” (Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm) Everyday Anti-Semitism in Prewar Nazi Germany: The Popular Bases (Michael H. Kater) Zionist Reactions to Hungarian Anti-Jewish Legislation 1939-1942 (Nathaniel Katzburg) The Jews of Budapest and the Plans of Admiral Horthy - August-October 1944 (Zvi Erez) “Operation Reinhard”: Extermination Camps of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka (Yitzhak Arad) Holocaust in the Polish Underground Press (Shmuel Krakowski) Between East and West: Jews from Germany in the Lodz Ghetto (Avraham Barkai) July 1944 - the Crucial Month for the Remnants of Lithuanian Jewry (Dov Levin) American Zionist Leaders and the Rescue of European Jews - November-December 1942 (David H. Shpiro) Plans for Deportation of the Rumanian Jews and Their Discontinuation in Light of Documentary Evidence July-October 1942 (Jean Ancel) The German Population and the Jews in the Third Reich - Recent Publications and Trends in Research on German Society and the “Jewish Question” (Otto Dov Kulka and Aron Rodrigue) “The Politics of Genocide. The Holocaust in Hungary” - Notes on Randolph L. Braham’s Book (Bela Vago)


Yad Vashem Studies is an academic journal featuring articles on the cutting edge of research and reflection on the Holocaust. Yad Vashem Studies is a must for any serious library seeking to offer the essential texts on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. “Yad Vashem Studies has been at the forefront of research into the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, its origins and its consequences… indispensable for researchers and teachers alike. No library that purports to offer students and teachers the essential historical texts on the Nazi era and the fate of the Jews can afford to be without Yad Vashem Studies.” [David Cesarani, The Journal of Holocaust Education] Beginning with volume 35, Yad Vashem Studies comes out twice annually, in spring and fall, making our contributors’ important research available to our readers more quickly and more readily. We have also redone our layout in order to make it more reader friendly. Our rigorous high standards remain unchanged.

Table of Contents: Introduction; In Memoriam: Uriel Tal (Yisrael Gutman) Table of Contents: From Anti-Semitism to Extermination: A Historiographical Study of Nazi Policies toward the Jews and an Essay in Interpretation (Saul Friedländer) The German Resistance and the Jews (Christof Dipper) The Holocaust in National-Socialist Rhetoric and Writings - Some Evidence against the Thesis that Before 1945 Nothing Was Known about the “Final Solution” (Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm) Everyday Anti-Semitism in Prewar Nazi Germany: The Popular Bases (Michael H. Kater) Zionist Reactions to Hungarian Anti-Jewish Legislation 1939-1942 (Nathaniel Katzburg) The Jews of Budapest and the Plans of Admiral Horthy - August-October 1944 (Zvi Erez) “Operation Reinhard”: Extermination Camps of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka (Yitzhak Arad) Holocaust in the Polish Underground Press (Shmuel Krakowski) Between East and West: Jews from Germany in the Lodz Ghetto (Avraham Barkai) July 1944 - the Crucial Month for the Remnants of Lithuanian Jewry (Dov Levin) American Zionist Leaders and the Rescue of European Jews - November-December 1942 (David H. Shpiro) Plans for Deportation of the Rumanian Jews and Their Discontinuation in Light of Documentary Evidence July-October 1942 (Jean Ancel) The German Population and the Jews in the Third Reich - Recent Publications and Trends in Research on German Society and the “Jewish Question” (Otto Dov Kulka and Aron Rodrigue) “The Politics of Genocide. The Holocaust in Hungary” - Notes on Randolph L. Braham’s Book (Bela Vago)


Products specifications
ISSN 0084-3296
Year 1984
Catalog No. 128
No. of Pages 446 pp.
Size 15X23 cm.
Format Hard Cover
Publisher Yad Vashem