Yad Vashem Studies: Volume 47 [1]

Edited by David Silberklang

NIS 78.00

Yad Vashem Studies is an academic journal featuring articles on the cutting edge of research and reflection on the Holocaust. Yad Vashem Studies is a must for any serious library seeking to offer the essential texts on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. “Yad Vashem Studies has been at the forefront of research into the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, its origins and its consequences… indispensable for researchers and teachers alike. No library that purports to offer students and teachers the essential historical texts on the Nazi era and the fate of the Jews can afford to be without Yad Vashem Studies.” [David Cesarani, The Journal of Holocaust Education] Beginning with volume 35, Yad Vashem Studies comes out twice annually, in spring and fall, making our contributors’ important research available to our readers more quickly and more readily. We have also redone our layout in order to make it more reader friendly. Our rigorous high standards remain unchanged.

Table of Contents: Introduction; Head and Shoulders Above His Peers: Shmuel Krakowski (1926–2018) (Judith Levin and David Silberklang); The Dean of Hungarian Holocaust Studies: Randolph L. Braham (1922–2018) (Robert Rozett); Walter Ze’ev Laqueur (1921–2018) (Bernard Wasserstein); The Writings of Rabbi Ephraim Oshry of the Kovno Ghetto Orthodox Historiography? (Moshe Tarshansky); Religious and Halakhic Observance in View of Deconstruction Processes in the Holocaust (David Deutsch); "Our Unfortunate Sisters, the Daughters of Israel": Holocaust-Survivor Rabbis Confront the Problem of Post-Holocaust ‘Agunot (Tehila Darmon Malka); From Kiddush Hashem to the Rise of Heroines in Soviet Yiddish Literature of the 1940s (Miriam Schulz); Reviews: The European Roots of Mass Murder: Social Envy, Enforced Migration, and Modernity - Götz Aly, Europa gegen die Juden, 1880–1945 (Mary Fulbrook); A Continent of Camps and Collaboration - Joseph R. White with Mel Hecker, eds., United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos 1933–1945. Volume III: Camps and Ghettos under European Regimes Aligned with Nazi Germany (Dan Stone); Public Memory of the Holocaust in Romania - Alexandru Florian, ed., Holocaust Public Memory in Postcommunist Romania (Dennis Deletant); The War Refugee Board — New Insights - Rebecca Erbelding, Rescue Board: The Untold Story of America’s Efforts to Save the Jews of Europe (Yehuda Bauer); Humanitarians at War: Revisiting the Failed Response of the ICRC to the Holocaust - Gerald Steinacher, Humanitarians at War: The Red Cross in the Shadow of the Holocaust (Boyd van Dijk); Labyrinth of Legal Dogmatics: Adjudicating Holocaust Crimes in Postwar Germany - Hans-Christian Jasch and Wolf Kaiser, Der Holocaust vor deutschen Gerichten. Amnestieren, Verdrangen, Bestrafen (Annette Weinke);

Yad Vashem Studies is an academic journal featuring articles on the cutting edge of research and reflection on the Holocaust. Yad Vashem Studies is a must for any serious library seeking to offer the essential texts on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. “Yad Vashem Studies has been at the forefront of research into the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, its origins and its consequences… indispensable for researchers and teachers alike. No library that purports to offer students and teachers the essential historical texts on the Nazi era and the fate of the Jews can afford to be without Yad Vashem Studies.” [David Cesarani, The Journal of Holocaust Education] Beginning with volume 35, Yad Vashem Studies comes out twice annually, in spring and fall, making our contributors’ important research available to our readers more quickly and more readily. We have also redone our layout in order to make it more reader friendly. Our rigorous high standards remain unchanged.

Table of Contents: Introduction; Head and Shoulders Above His Peers: Shmuel Krakowski (1926–2018) (Judith Levin and David Silberklang); The Dean of Hungarian Holocaust Studies: Randolph L. Braham (1922–2018) (Robert Rozett); Walter Ze’ev Laqueur (1921–2018) (Bernard Wasserstein); The Writings of Rabbi Ephraim Oshry of the Kovno Ghetto Orthodox Historiography? (Moshe Tarshansky); Religious and Halakhic Observance in View of Deconstruction Processes in the Holocaust (David Deutsch); "Our Unfortunate Sisters, the Daughters of Israel": Holocaust-Survivor Rabbis Confront the Problem of Post-Holocaust ‘Agunot (Tehila Darmon Malka); From Kiddush Hashem to the Rise of Heroines in Soviet Yiddish Literature of the 1940s (Miriam Schulz); Reviews: The European Roots of Mass Murder: Social Envy, Enforced Migration, and Modernity - Götz Aly, Europa gegen die Juden, 1880–1945 (Mary Fulbrook); A Continent of Camps and Collaboration - Joseph R. White with Mel Hecker, eds., United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos 1933–1945. Volume III: Camps and Ghettos under European Regimes Aligned with Nazi Germany (Dan Stone); Public Memory of the Holocaust in Romania - Alexandru Florian, ed., Holocaust Public Memory in Postcommunist Romania (Dennis Deletant); The War Refugee Board — New Insights - Rebecca Erbelding, Rescue Board: The Untold Story of America’s Efforts to Save the Jews of Europe (Yehuda Bauer); Humanitarians at War: Revisiting the Failed Response of the ICRC to the Holocaust - Gerald Steinacher, Humanitarians at War: The Red Cross in the Shadow of the Holocaust (Boyd van Dijk); Labyrinth of Legal Dogmatics: Adjudicating Holocaust Crimes in Postwar Germany - Hans-Christian Jasch and Wolf Kaiser, Der Holocaust vor deutschen Gerichten. Amnestieren, Verdrangen, Bestrafen (Annette Weinke);

Products specifications
Year 2019
ISSN 0084-3296
ISBN 978-965-308-592-3
No. of Pages 272 pp.
Format Soft Cover
Size 17X24 cm.
Publisher Yad Vashem
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Main camps and killing sites Map

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