Conscripted Slaves: Hungarian Jewish Forced Laborers on the Eastern Front during the Second World War

Robert Rozett

NIS 169.00

From the spring of 1942 until the summer of 1944, some 45,000 Jewish men were forced to accompany Hungarian troops to the battle zone of the Soviet Union. Some 80% of the Jewish forced laborers never returned home. They fell prey to battle, starvation, disease, and grinding labor, aggravated immensely by brutality and even outright murder at the hands of the Hungarian soldiers responsible for them. This study constitutes a unique and invaluable chapter in the mosaic of Holocaust history. The laborers’ personal accounts speak powerfully to every Jewish family that lived under Hungarian rule during the Holocaust years, because it is their own personal story, but it is not one to be kept in the family alone, since it is profoundly relevant to all people.

"This book is at once engross­ing and appalling, in its clear and civ­i­lized detail­ing of the cat­a­stro­phe that befell tens of thou­sands of Hun­gar­i­an Jew­ish fathers, hus­bands, sons, and broth­ers, who could not com­pre­hend the fate that con­sumed their fam­i­lies, friends, and loved ones trans­port­ed by rail to Auschwitz over the sum­mer of 1944."

Robert Moses Shapiro, Jewish Book Council


From the spring of 1942 until the summer of 1944, some 45,000 Jewish men were forced to accompany Hungarian troops to the battle zone of the Soviet Union. Some 80% of the Jewish forced laborers never returned home. They fell prey to battle, starvation, disease, and grinding labor, aggravated immensely by brutality and even outright murder at the hands of the Hungarian soldiers responsible for them. This study constitutes a unique and invaluable chapter in the mosaic of Holocaust history. The laborers’ personal accounts speak powerfully to every Jewish family that lived under Hungarian rule during the Holocaust years, because it is their own personal story, but it is not one to be kept in the family alone, since it is profoundly relevant to all people.

"This book is at once engross­ing and appalling, in its clear and civ­i­lized detail­ing of the cat­a­stro­phe that befell tens of thou­sands of Hun­gar­i­an Jew­ish fathers, hus­bands, sons, and broth­ers, who could not com­pre­hend the fate that con­sumed their fam­i­lies, friends, and loved ones trans­port­ed by rail to Auschwitz over the sum­mer of 1944."

Robert Moses Shapiro, Jewish Book Council


מפרט המוצר
Year 2013
ISBN 978-965-308-448-3
Catalog No. 845
No. of Pages 288 pp.
Size 16X23 cm.
Format Hard Cover
Publisher Yad Vashem