The Destruction of Jewish Life in German Borderlands in Yad Vashem Studies, Volume 39:2

Konrad Kwiet

NIS 13.00

The Destruction of Jewish Life in German Borderlands: Wolf Gruner, Jörg Osterloh, eds., Das "Großdeutsche Reich" und die Juden: Nationalsozialistische Verfolgung in den "angegliederten" Gebieten

Intertwining history and historiography, this collection of twelve essays sheds light on the destruction of Jewish life in largely uncharted spaces of the Holocaust. These were the territories that were annexed by the Nazis and incorporated into the Grosdeutsche Reich, the “great German empire” and, as such, these regions became part of the German Volksgemeinschaft, the “people’s community.” The popular slogan and policy Heim ins Reich! (“Home to the Reich!”) implied the postulate and praxis Juden Rauβ! (“Out with the Jews!”).

The Destruction of Jewish Life in German Borderlands: Wolf Gruner, Jörg Osterloh, eds., Das "Großdeutsche Reich" und die Juden: Nationalsozialistische Verfolgung in den "angegliederten" Gebieten

Intertwining history and historiography, this collection of twelve essays sheds light on the destruction of Jewish life in largely uncharted spaces of the Holocaust. These were the territories that were annexed by the Nazis and incorporated into the Grosdeutsche Reich, the “great German empire” and, as such, these regions became part of the German Volksgemeinschaft, the “people’s community.” The popular slogan and policy Heim ins Reich! (“Home to the Reich!”) implied the postulate and praxis Juden Rauβ! (“Out with the Jews!”).

מפרט המוצר
ISSN 0084-3296
Year 2011
ISBN 78-965-308-40
Catalog No. 039209
No. of Pages 8 pp.
Format Electronic article in Yad Vashem Studies, Volume 39:2, pp. 251-258, Edited by David Silberklang
Publisher Yad Vashem