Yad Vashem Studies: Volume 49 [2]

Edited by Sharon Kangisser Cohen

NIS 78.00

Yad Vashem Studies is an academic journal featuring articles on the cutting edge of research and reflection on the Holocaust. Yad Vashem Studies is a must for any serious library seeking to offer the essential texts on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. “Yad Vashem Studies has been at the forefront of research into the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, its origins and its consequences… indispensable for researchers and teachers alike. No library that purports to offer students and teachers the essential historical texts on the Nazi era and the fate of the Jews can afford to be without Yad Vashem Studies.” [David Cesarani, The Journal of Holocaust Education] Beginning with volume 35, Yad Vashem Studies comes out twice annually, in spring and fall, making our contributors’ important research available to our readers more quickly and more readily. We have also redone our layout in order to make it more reader friendly. Our rigorous high standards remain unchanged.

Table of Contents: Introduction; Otto Dov Kulka (1933–2021)—Scholar and Witness (Richard I. Cohen); Karl Schleunes (1937–2021)—In Memoriam (Christopher R. Browning); David Shneer (1972–2020)—In Memoriam (Arkadi Zeltser); Reflections on Cruelty and Sadism (Yehuda Bauer); Reflections on Bauer: Genocide and the “Joy” of Killing? (Edward B. Westermann); Long-Term and Immediate Causes of Genocide: A Response to Yehuda Bauer (Ben Kiernan); “The Poglavnik...Raises His Heroic Right Hand in Honor of Ukraine:” Ustaša-Melnykite Cooperation in the Genocide in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941–1945 (Yuri Radchenko); “The Hellish Dance That Will Not End:” Jewish Women’s Perceptions of Time during the Siege of Budapest (Allison Somogyi); Traces of the Holocaust in Nachman Blumental’s Archive: The Murder of Maria and Ariel Blumental in Wielopole Skrzyńskie During the German Occupation (Katrin Stoll); Reviews: Refugees or Migrants: Marion Kaplan, Hitler’s Jewish Refugees (Gur Alroey); On Finding the Voice of Polish Holocaust Survivors: Lukasz Krzyzanowski, Ghost Citizens: Jewish Return to a Postwar City (David Engel); Early Polish Literary Responses to the Holocaust: The Moral Dimension: Rachel Feldhay Brenner, Polish Literature and the Holocaust: Eyewitness Testimonies, 1942–1947 (Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska); Say Their Names: Steven T. Katz, The Holocaust and New World Slavery: A Comparative History (Theodore Rosengarten); Response to Guy Miron’s review: “Jewish Time in the Holocaust” (Alan Rosen);

Yad Vashem Studies is an academic journal featuring articles on the cutting edge of research and reflection on the Holocaust. Yad Vashem Studies is a must for any serious library seeking to offer the essential texts on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. “Yad Vashem Studies has been at the forefront of research into the Nazi persecution and mass murder of the Jews, its origins and its consequences… indispensable for researchers and teachers alike. No library that purports to offer students and teachers the essential historical texts on the Nazi era and the fate of the Jews can afford to be without Yad Vashem Studies.” [David Cesarani, The Journal of Holocaust Education] Beginning with volume 35, Yad Vashem Studies comes out twice annually, in spring and fall, making our contributors’ important research available to our readers more quickly and more readily. We have also redone our layout in order to make it more reader friendly. Our rigorous high standards remain unchanged.

Table of Contents: Introduction; Otto Dov Kulka (1933–2021)—Scholar and Witness (Richard I. Cohen); Karl Schleunes (1937–2021)—In Memoriam (Christopher R. Browning); David Shneer (1972–2020)—In Memoriam (Arkadi Zeltser); Reflections on Cruelty and Sadism (Yehuda Bauer); Reflections on Bauer: Genocide and the “Joy” of Killing? (Edward B. Westermann); Long-Term and Immediate Causes of Genocide: A Response to Yehuda Bauer (Ben Kiernan); “The Poglavnik...Raises His Heroic Right Hand in Honor of Ukraine:” Ustaša-Melnykite Cooperation in the Genocide in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941–1945 (Yuri Radchenko); “The Hellish Dance That Will Not End:” Jewish Women’s Perceptions of Time during the Siege of Budapest (Allison Somogyi); Traces of the Holocaust in Nachman Blumental’s Archive: The Murder of Maria and Ariel Blumental in Wielopole Skrzyńskie During the German Occupation (Katrin Stoll); Reviews: Refugees or Migrants: Marion Kaplan, Hitler’s Jewish Refugees (Gur Alroey); On Finding the Voice of Polish Holocaust Survivors: Lukasz Krzyzanowski, Ghost Citizens: Jewish Return to a Postwar City (David Engel); Early Polish Literary Responses to the Holocaust: The Moral Dimension: Rachel Feldhay Brenner, Polish Literature and the Holocaust: Eyewitness Testimonies, 1942–1947 (Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska); Say Their Names: Steven T. Katz, The Holocaust and New World Slavery: A Comparative History (Theodore Rosengarten); Response to Guy Miron’s review: “Jewish Time in the Holocaust” (Alan Rosen);

מפרט המוצר
Year 2021
ISSN 0084-3296
ISBN 978-965-308-630-2
Size 17X24 cm.
Format Soft Cover
Publisher Yad Vashem
גולשים שקנו מוצר זה קנו גם

Yad Vashem Studies: Volume 49 [1]

Edited by Sharon Kangisser Cohen

NIS 78.00

Yad Vashem Studies: Volume 50 [1]

Edited by Sharon Kangisser Cohen

NIS 78.00

Yad Vashem Studies: Volume 51 [1]

Edited by Sharon Kangisser Cohen


Table of Contents: • Introduction • Michael Robert Marrus (1941-2022)—In Memoriam (Doris Bergen) • The Polish Underground State and the Financing of Help for the Jews: An Attempt at a New Approach (Dariusz Libionka) • News from Auschwitz: The International Underground’s Secret Reports and the Jewish Holocaust (Tom Navon) • Bandera, Genocide, and Justice: Was Stepan Bandera Responsible for Crimes Committed by the OUN and the UPA? (Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe) • Politics of Holocaust Memory in Communist and Post-Communist Romania: On Survivor Matei Gall’s Multiple Life Stories (Ștefan Cristian Ionescu and Dana Mihăilescu)

NIS 78.00

Yad Vashem Studies: Volume 50 [2]

Edited by Sharon Kangisser Cohen

NIS 78.00