Yesterdays and Then Tomorrows

General Public Language: English




An anthology of historical texts and literature for class activities, trips to Poland and Holocaust commemorative ceremonies. The anthology provides both an educational and an emotional experience that aims to heighten the reader’s identification with the six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. The anthology includes testimonies, readings and photographs about the Jewish shtetl; dehumanization and degradation; ghettos; concentration and extermination camps; mass graves; poetry and prayers.


An anthology of historical texts and literature for class activities, trips to Poland and Holocaust commemorative ceremonies. The anthology provides both an educational and an emotional experience that aims to heighten the reader’s identification with the six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. The anthology includes testimonies, readings and photographs about the Jewish shtetl; dehumanization and degradation; ghettos; concentration and extermination camps; mass graves; poetry and prayers.


מפרט המוצר
גולשים שקנו מוצר זה קנו גם

Through Our Eyes - Children Witness the Holocaust

Ages 12-14 Language: English




The Auschwitz Album, Teacher’s Guide

Ages 15+ Language: English


Educational Kit


Three Dolls

Ages 7-11 Language: English

Educational Kit
