My Involuntary Journeys

Hanna Temkin


In My Involuntary Journeys, Hanna Temkin shares her story for the first time, shedding light on lesser-known aspects of Jewish life and survival in Eastern Europe before, during, and after the Holocaust. Moreover, Hanna’s story is an inspiring tale of female empowerment and serves as a testament to her ability to overcome the worst odds.



Father seemed strangely agitated sending me off. “Go,” he said, “Hanele, go, it’s time!” He urged me as if he were glad to see me go; as
if he knew somehow that he was sending me off to live.

The brutal reality of war became part of Hanna Rabinowicz’s life shortly after she turned eighteen. Within days, German troops had conquered her hometown of Lodz, and the situation of the local Jewish community deteriorated quickly. Hanna and her future husband, Gabriel Temkin, made the difficult decision to head East and flee into the Soviet occupation zone, which ultimately saved their lives. During the next six years, Hanna lived, worked, and eventually studied in the Soviet Union, while Gabriel served in the Red Army.

A year after the war, Hanna and Gabriel married and moved back to Poland. Most of their family members had been murdered or had succumbed to the brutal conditions under Nazi rule. Nevertheless, unlike other returnees, they opted to stay in Poland, where they adapted to the political conditions and started a family. Initially, their careers flourished. Two decades later, however, facing growing antisemitism, Hanna and Gabriel saw no other choice but to leave Poland again. Already in their late forties, they had to rebuild their lives once more, this time in the United States.

Father seemed strangely agitated sending me off. “Go,” he said, “Hanele, go, it’s time!” He urged me as if he were glad to see me go; as
if he knew somehow that he was sending me off to live.

The brutal reality of war became part of Hanna Rabinowicz’s life shortly after she turned eighteen. Within days, German troops had conquered her hometown of Lodz, and the situation of the local Jewish community deteriorated quickly. Hanna and her future husband, Gabriel Temkin, made the difficult decision to head East and flee into the Soviet occupation zone, which ultimately saved their lives. During the next six years, Hanna lived, worked, and eventually studied in the Soviet Union, while Gabriel served in the Red Army.

A year after the war, Hanna and Gabriel married and moved back to Poland. Most of their family members had been murdered or had succumbed to the brutal conditions under Nazi rule. Nevertheless, unlike other returnees, they opted to stay in Poland, where they adapted to the political conditions and started a family. Initially, their careers flourished. Two decades later, however, facing growing antisemitism, Hanna and Gabriel saw no other choice but to leave Poland again. Already in their late forties, they had to rebuild their lives once more, this time in the United States.

מפרט המוצר
Year 2023
ISBN 978-965-308-681-4
No. of Pages 448 pp.
Size 23.5X16
כריכה Hard Cover
Publisher Yad Vashem
תגיות מוצר
גולשים שקנו מוצר זה קנו גם

איש קשה עורף - מסעו של רֹומּואַלד יעקב וקסלר־וַשקינֶל

יעקב וקסלר ושקינל 


בכיתה ה, חוסר הדמיון שלי [להורי] גרם לי לצרוח מול הראי. [...] היה נדמה לי שראיתי בעצמי משהו מתווי פניו של אבא. "אמא, אמא, אני דומה לאבאל'ה! נכון?!" אבל במקום תשובה הייתה דממה. ולי לא נותר אלא לזעוק: "כי אם אני יהודי, עוד תראו מה אעשה לעצמי!״ כמה פחדתי להיות יהודי, כמה לא רציתי להיות יהודי!



Written in a Barn: The Diary of a Young Woman from Vilna

Ruth Leimenzon Engles| Edited by Ben-Tsiyon Klibansky


At last, I have gotten a notebook in which to write. I have a pencil. I will try. Maybe it will make it easier to push through the days. It’s hard for me. As soon as dawn breaks, my first thought is: how does one endure until the end of the day.
Ruth Leimenzon Engles, May 15, 1944

A few days after the Germans occupied Vilna at the end of June 1941, Ruth Leimenzon’s husband was seized by local collaborators and was never seen again. Ruth, the sole survivor of her murdered family, managed to survive two years in the ghetto using her intelligence and common sense, helped by luck and perhaps miracles. Just two days before the ghetto’s liquidation in September 1943, Ruth escaped with the help of a Christian woman, her former boss’ wife, and found a hiding place in a barn on a farm 20 kilometers from Vilna, where she hid for nearly a year. During the last two months in the barn, Ruth wrote a diary in Yiddish describing her three-year ordeal.


יד ושם - קובץ מחקרים: כרך נ"א [1]

עורכת: ד"ר שרון קנגיסר כהן



תוכן עניינים:  

• מבוא • מיכאל רוברט מארוס (1941 – 2022) — דברים לזכרו (דוריס ברגן) • הממשלה המחתרתית בפולין ומימון עזרה ליהודים: הצעה לגישה חדשה (דַריוּש ליבּיוֹנקָה) • חדשות מאושוויץ: הדוחות החשאיים של המחתרת הבין־לאומית ושואת העם היהודי (תום נבון) • בַּנדֵרָה, רצח עַם וצדק: האם סטֵפַּן בַּנדֵרָה אחראי לפשעי ארגון הלאומנים האוקראינים וצבא המתקוממים האוקראינים? (גזֵ'גוֹז' רוֹסוֹלינסקי־ליבֶּה) • הפוליטיקה של זיכרון השואה ברומניה הקומוניסטית והפוסט־קומוניסטית: על סיפורי החיים של הניצול מאטיי גאל (שטפן כריסטיאן יוֹנֶסקוּ ודנה מיהָאילֶסקוּ) מאמרי ביקורת: • לא השואה ולא התפרעות כפרית: לאילו אירועים עלינו להשוות את הפּרעות באוקראינה (1918 – 1921)? - Jeffrey Veidlinger, In the Midst of Civilized Europe: The Pogroms of 1918–1921 and the Onset of the Holocaust (בריאן הורוביץ) • ילדים בקרקוב בתקופת הכיבוש: תרומה חדשה למחקר - Joanna Sliwa, Jewish Childhood in Kraków: A Microhistory of the Holocaust (הלן סינרייך) • היסטוריה מבעד לעיני הניצולים: האסירים היהודים הדֵנים "המיוחסים" בטרזיינשטט - Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini Fracapane, The Jews of Denmark in the Holocaust: Life and Death in Theresienstadt Ghetto (ליסה פֵּשֶל) • הנגלה בתצלום והנסתר בגיא - Wendy Lower, The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed (ג'ון־פול הימקָה) • תוכנית מרשל יהודית כביכול - Laura Hobson Faure, A Jewish Marshall Plan: The American Jewish Presence in Post-Holocaust France (דוד ויינברג) • לנוכח "אחרית המוות" של השואה: פעולה וזיכרון - Lawrence Langer, The Afterdeath of the Holocaust (כריסטין שמידט)
