Author :Yehuda Bacon
World-renowned Israeli artist and Holocaust survivor Yehuda Bacon began keeping adiary in July 1945, while living in a youth home in Štiřín, Czechoslovakia, shortly after his liberation. During the past seven decades, Bacon has filled over 240 notebooks. His diary is a mosaic of words and drawings through which he remembers his past, contemplates his present, and imagines his future Bacon was born in Moravská Ostrava, Czechoslovakia. In 1942, aged thirteen, he was deported with his family to Theresienstadt. In 1943 he was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he was interned in the family camp; a few months later, he was among a group of teens selected to work as forced laborers. Bacon survived death marches to Mauthausen and Gunskirchen before he was finally liberated, only to discover that his family had been murdered, aside from one sister who had left Czechoslovakia before the war. Upon his return to Czechoslovakia, Bacon lived in a provisionary youth home run by the humanist Přemysl Pitter. In 1946, Bacon immigrated to Eretz Israel and studied at the Bezalel Academy of . Arts and Design, later becoming a professor of graphics and drawing and achieving fame as an artist